Application Generator Output Table (TOG) allows automatic generation of statistical tables and published in various formats (XHTML, XHTML Book, Excel, PDF, FrameMaker)
[Bruno Chatel has completed the technical architecture and assured development of the application (.NET, SOAP, XSLT2, Miramo)]
Use Case Miramo :
is a member of the ATA e-Business Program and an active participant of the "Flight Operations Interest Group (FOIG).
Redesign project of flight operations documentation produced by Airbus for the A380. .
[Bruno Chatel has designed all document models (authoring and exchange) for the OpsData project.]
Dynaprism is a framework developed under the project "New Browser" with the Bureau Veritas (Marine Division) to implement a solution for electronic consultation (online -inter/intra net, or local CDROM). The solution designed and developed is based on open source components (eXist, Cocoon, Jetty).
[Bruno Chatel has implemented the server architecture and developed the search.]
Official production site :
SchemaDoc is a design framework and documentation of XML models, developed in partnership with Tirème.
[Bruno Chatel involved in developing SchemaDoc.]
Under the project SchemaDoc, a conversion module XML Schemas to DTDs has been developed.
[Bruno Chatel involved in the design and development of XS2DTD.]
Tutorial "XML Schemas, a technical introduction" presented at a workshop
[Bruno Chatel has designed and animated tutorial.] (is no more active)
Study conducted on behalf of EDF taking stock of the recommendations XML documentataire viewpoint, published in the Gutenberg books 37-38
[Bruno Chatel participated in this study.]
Airbus LPC "Less Paper In The Cockpit" is a product developed by Airbus, integrating the two modules "Fcom Starter Pack" and "MMEL Starter Pack" to manage the operational documentation Airbus
[has fully developed the FCOM and MMEL Starter Packs.]
Solution developed by Airbus for the preparation and consultation of aeronautical documentation, including the "Adoc Electronic Publisher for Data Preparation and customization of application" module integrates "Access Module Creation."
[Bruno Chatel has developed the ACM processing module.]