Technical standards
Bruno Chatel contact specializes in the development of solutions around XML and related standards, particularly applied to the documentation systems:
- XML (eXtensible Language Markup) : W3C standard
- DTD (Document Type Definition) : modeling, integrated with the XML specification
- XML Schémas : modeling, W3C standard
- DSDL : modeling, ISO
- Schema RELAX NG : modeling, ISO standard, Oasis
- Schematron, Nvdl, ...
- SAX (Simple Api for Xml) : transformation
- StAX (Streaming Api for Xml) : transformation
- DOM (Document Object Model) : transformation, standard W3c
- XSLT (eXtensible Stylesheet Language, Transformation) :
transformation, W3c standard
- XSL-FO (eXtensible Stylesheet Language, Formatting Objects) :
formating, W3c standard
- XPATH (XML Path Language) : path , W3c standard
- XPOINTER/XLINK : links, W3c standard
- XQUERY (XML Query) : query langage, W3c standard
- XProc : W3c standard
- Namespaces in XML : W3c standard
- XML InfoSet (Xml Information Set) : W3c standard
- Xinclude (XML Inclusions) : W3c standard
Furthermore, Bruno Chatel makes technology watch on all technologies related to XML and structured documentation.
Business standards
Bruno Chatel contact s also a specialist in certain industry standards:
- ATA iSpec2200
- ATA spec 2300
- S1000d
- DocBook
Bruno Chatel contact is a member of the program
ATA e-business and actively participates in groups FOIG
(Flight Operations Interest Group) and MMELPT (MMEL and dispatch data Project Team) in charge of standardization of the
ATA spec 2300.
In 2012, Bruno Chatel has accepted to be member of the ATA e-business Steering Group (ESG), giving the opportunity to work on the strategy of the aircraft industry standardization.